Thursday, September 19, 2013

Re-Member: Renewing Our Covenant with the Church

“Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.”   I Corinthians 12:27

One consistent teaching within scripture is: being a Christ-follower is not a Lone Ranger existence. We come into this transformational life in community. Nevermind any “what if?” scenarios that include desert islands or living out in the middle of nowhere by yourself. These don’t count. We live in the real world, with real people, with a real God whose idea is real community with one another. In fact, being a member of the body of Christ (the church) is a privilege. This is a privilege of blessings and of struggles. A privilege of celebration and messiness. But, all of this is in the shadow of the Almighty. All of this is in active engagement of His communion and presence.

We have a rich heritage and calling to join together, both informally and formally, as one body. Over the next few weeks, we are going to explore what scripture says about being part of this thing we call “the church”. What are its privileges and responsibilities? How do we see that fleshed out right here at Orange Friends?

So, join with me as we seek to deepen our connection with God through strengthening our connection with one another!

Pastor David

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