Monday, August 3, 2009

Three Lies... Three Truths: Part III

Lie #3: You are Small and Unknown by God.

Truth: Many people live their lives feeling as if they may believe in God but they are unsure of whether He believes in them. I would say most go through this at some time in their life. We feel like the Who's from Whoville realizing that our whole existence is headed toward destruction and we scream out "We are Here! We are Here! We are Here!". The truth is God knows we are here and He is too! His presence is real.

I Peter 5:7 says:

"Cast your worries on Him because He cares for you"
Action Point: The best way to live this truth out is to serve those who are truly small in the eyes of the world. Be Jesus to the last in this world, the lost in this world, and the least in this world! This takes our focus off of our presumed "smallness" and onto those that Jesus asked us to be concerned with.

Love the unlovely and you will experience the genuine Love of Jesus!