Monday, October 21, 2013

Re-Member Devotions: Week 5, Day 1

Re-Member: “Accountable” (October 21 – October 27)

Day One:

We are in a time of crisis. This is a crisis of leadership. Some leaders are corrupt, selfish, and morally bankrupt. We have been let down by politicians, community leaders, and yes, even spiritual leaders.

While this may all be true, I believe the primary crisis is not those who have let us down, led us astray, and allow selfish ambition to win the day. We have a crisis in “followership”. It is easy in our world today to criticize, second guess, and question authority. In sports, referees and officials are disrespected. In the political arena, those we send to Washington DC are demonized by talking heads and pundits. Unfortunately, our spiritual leaders are often treated with the same contempt or, at best, treated with “concern”.

I recognize my role as a spiritual leader carries a specific “slant” on this topic, but before I took a Lead Pastor role, I noticed a regular crisis in “followership” in the church. It would concern me when friends and acquaintances would come to me with a “concern” about a Pastor or Elder in the Church. I often would walk away from those conversations with the thought, “We are called to be in submission to somebody! Why can we not trust the spiritual leaders in our lives? Even with all their imperfections!”

The writer of Hebrews knew that leadership is tough and that “followership” is not easy either. This week we will look at being accountable in the church. What does this entail? How is it a blessing? Memorize and meditate upon Hebrews 13:17. Ask the Holy Spirit to make you a better follower for the glory of God and the building up of His Church.

- Pastor David

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